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Infographic 1st Barometer Cancer and Work in Spain 2024
Main data of the barometer prepared by GAPS for the FECEC Junts contra el Càncer, through online surveys of 2,004 people who have or have had a cancer diagnosis.
Infographic 2nd Barometer Cancer and Work in Catalonia 2024
Main data of the barometer prepared by GAPS for the FECEC Junts contra el Càncer, through online surveys of 1,002 people who have or have had a cancer diagnosis.
FECEC in figures 2023
This document is a census of the activities carried out by the FECEC member entities during the year 2023 in global numbers. With the aim of increasing the transversality of information and the networking of associations, and promoting the common goal of fighting the disease of cancer, the study “Fecec in figures” analyzes the resources, activities and services that federated entities offer to cancer patients and family members.
No hi ha dos tumors iguals!
FECEC collaborates in this document prepared by the Societat Catalano-Balear d’Oncologia and promoted by Roche about NGS or massive sequencing, a tool that is already used in the diagnosis of cancer.
Cancer and Work Barometer for Catalonia
FECEC has supported the preparation of the first Cancer and Work Barometer for Catalonia, 2022. More than 1000 employed people took part in the study conducted by sociology organisation GAPS.
Infographic 1st Barometer Cancer and Work in Catalonia 2022
Main data of the barometer prepared by GAPS for the FECEC Junts contra el Càncer, through online surveys of 1,002 people who have or have had a cancer diagnosis.
Management Report FECEC 2022
As a platform that brings together the organisations engaged in the fight against cancer in Catalonia, FECEC also represents those organisations and publicises the common cause that unites us. This Report sets out the activities carried on by FECEC over the year. It records its work to raise awareness of cancer and its prevention, to encourage volunteering, cancer research and member services.
Managing cancer at work
A handbook prepared by FECEC and the Association of European Cancer League which explains why it is essential for businesses and management to have an overarching policy and procedures concerning the management of cancer in the workplace and provides useful advice to face the challenges of cancer.
Cancer and Sexuality 2020, a Guide for cancer patients
This guide has been prepared by patient support working group of the Association of European Cancer Leagues, including FECEC. This document is specifically intended for cancer patients. Its principal aim is to describe the principal forms of cancer and answer a large number of questions that patients and family members may ask healthcare professionals during their cancer treatment journeys.
Cancer and Sexuality 2020, a Guide for healthcare staff
This guide has been prepare by the patient support working group of the Association of European Cancer Leagues, including FECEC. The document is intended for healthcare professionals with the aim of providing advice as to how to engage with and approach the question of cancer and sexuality with patients.
Good questions to ask during medical appointments
This guide has been prepared by FECEC and the Association of European Cancer Leagues sets out advice and questions that patients could ask during appointments throughout their cancer treatment journey. This document brings together the questions that could best address personal concerns and questions at each stage of the journey.
Factors that facilitate and factors that hinder the return to work after cancer
This research, whose results are set out in this document, was undertaken at the behest of FECEC as a suite of projects aimed at exploring living with and surviving cancer and offering support to people who have survived cancer or are living with it in the long-term.
Study for improving the path back to work and rejoining the labour force for women who have had breast cancer
This is a study that brings together qualitative data concerning the situation of experienced, qualified women who do not find it easy at all to return to work. The report recounts dismissals and situations where women have been forced out of their jobs, with work-related, financial and economic consequences.
Improving the experience of Cancer Survivors in Catalonia
This is a study into how to improve knowledge and understanding of the needs of people who have had cancer. The study examines the experience of cancer patients and the healthcare professionals who look after them, exploring the experience of member organisations and validating the results of the study in our own immediate environment.
Oncology and Volunteering: Recommendations for Volunteer Coordinators
This review springs from the work and accumulated experience of members of the volunteering coordinators’ working group. It reviews the procedures, strategies and factors for organisations to consider in order to ensure appropriate care, motivation, emotional support and integration of volunteers. It therefore examines all the aspects that affect volunteers, from selection, onboarding, training, communication, emotional support, acknowledgement, commitment, retention and (finally) leaving, when volunteers do leave.
Study on how well psychosocial needs are met
Started in 2006, this report into ‘Meeting psychosocial needs’ was presented within FECEC in late 2007. This study by Dr Marta Schröder and her team is an observational study carried out in 23 hospitals in Catalonia. Its objective was to understand the extent to which the psychosocial needs of people living with cancer were being met and to help providers of oncological services to better understand the psychosocial needs of people suffering from cancer.