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Encouraging Volunteers
Volunteering is essential to cancer care and is fundamental to the work of organisations that work to improve the quality of life of people living with cancer and their families. Volunteers are people who want to give up their free time to supporting adults and children with cancer and their carers and families or do other work to support and represent them.
Type of Volunteering
The member organisations of FECEC, Junts contra el Càncer have different types of volunteering in function of their programmes and services. The most common forms of volunteering in cancer care are:

Training of cancer care volunteers
Volunteers and the people who manage volunteers receive basic training to give them tools and resources to be able to carry out their respective tasks. Regardless of the specific training provided by each member organisation, the Federació Catalana d’Entitats Contra el Càncer (FECEC) has since 2006 provided basic training for volunteers, as set out in the Pla de Formació del Voluntariat de Catalunya (Plan for Training for Volunteers in Catalonia) coorganised with the Federació Catalana de Voluntariat Social (Federation of Charity Volunteering of Catalonia).
Become a volunteer
If you are 18 years old or more and would like to join the volunteers working in one of the member organisations of Federació Catalana d’Entitats Contra el Càncer (FECEC), fill in this form. We will help you to find the programme that best fits with what you have to offer.

Gathering for cancer care volunteers
Federació Catalana d’Entitats Contra el Càncer (FECEC) has an annual Volunteering Encounter, an event that gives recognition to the valuable work of cancer care volunteers to improve teh quality of life of people living with cancer and their families. The Encounter also strengthens the sense of unity and belonging among volunteers and is a space for mutual encouragement and the sharing of experience. The Encounter comprises roundtables, talks, workshops and other activities for all the volunteers who work with member organisations of the Federació Catalana d’Entitats contra el Càncer.