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Meeting with the Ministry of Health to discuss the improvements in the implementation of the law of the Right to be Forgotten

The working group of entities on the right to be forgotten in cancer met this Wednesday, May 22 in Madrid with Javier Padilla, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, to share current needs and improvements in implementation of the law.

‘Don’t play with the sun!’: campaign for sun protection 2024

The Catalan Federation Against Cancer (FECEC) starts the annual sun protection campaign with a whole series of online tips and various activities on sun protection in the territory. This year, the slogan is "Don't play with the sun!"and will have a special impact on sun protection for babies and children.

XX Volunteering meeting in the oncological field: rejuvenating the profile and adapting to the new social reality, future challenges of volunteering

The Volunteer Meeting in the oncological field, organized every year by the Catalan Federation Against Cancer (FECEC), has celebrated its 20th anniversary this year. With the slogan, “20 years together!” nearly 150 volunteers from the federated entities met on Saturday 25 May at the Ciutadella Campus of the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) to commemorate the two decades of this meeting.

May 25: celebrate with the FECEC Junts contra el Càncer the 20 years of the Volunteer Meeting in the oncological field

This May 25, don't miss the great celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Volunteer Meeting in the oncology field. The FECEC, Junts contra el Càncer has prepared a great party to commemorate the anniversary of this space of union and cohesion and to recognize the work of the volunteers of the federated entities.

The FECEC and Condis campaign ‘Posem-li Pebrots al Càncer’ raises 63,114 euros

The Catalan Federation Against Cancer (FECEC) and the Condis supermarket chain have raised a total of 63,114 euros as part of the charity initiative ‘Posem-li Pebrots al Càncer’, which aims to support patients oncology and spread the support work carried out by the entities affiliated to the FECEC to improve the quality of life of people with cancer and their families.

The FECEC, Junts contra el Càncer wish you a Happy Holidays

The Catalan Federation Against Cancer wish you a Merry Christmas and a healthy 2024. Together, we’ll continue to support cancer patients and their families with enthusiasm, strength and commitment.

The FECEC, Junts contra el Càncer organizes the event ‘Celebrate life after cancer’

The Catalan Federation of Entities against Cancer (FECEC) celebrates on November 25 at the Barcelona Social Hub the day "Celebrate life after cancer" to raise awareness and make visible the difficulties that can be encountered by people who overcome or chronic a cancer .

The FECEC, Junts contra el Càncer organizes the XII Cancer Prevention Catalan Week

The Catalan Federation of Cancer Organizations (FECEC) is organizing a new edition, in this case the XII, of the Cancer Prevention Catalan Week (SECAPC) from September 29 to October 8.

paciente que se somete a reconstrucción mamaria
Recoup the Dialogue “What do you need to know about breast reconstruction?” on our YouTube channel

On October 19, 2022, World Breast Cancer Day, we held a webinar within the cycle "Dialogues FECEC: from before to after cancer" dedicated to the different surgeries for breast cancer. Watch it on our YouTube channel.

The ‘Posem-li pebrots al cáncer’ campaign raises 57,174 euros for support programs for oncological patients

The Catalan Federation of Entities Against Cancer (FECEC) have raised a total of 57,174 euros as part of the "Posem-li pebrots al Càncer" initiative organized together with Condis supermarkets and which aims to show solidarity with cancer patients and to disseminate, as well, the task of accompaniment and support carried out by the entities affiliated to the FECEC.