Meeting with the Ministry of Health to discuss the improvements in the implementation of the law of the Right to be Forgotten

The working group of entities on the right to be forgotten in cancer met this Wednesday, May 22 in Madrid with Javier Padilla, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, to share current needs and improvements in implementation of the law.

The manager of the FECEC Junts contra el Càncer, Clara Rosàs, participated in the meeting together with Alexandra Carpentier, head of the Patient Experience Program of the Fundació Josep Carreras (Josep Carreras Foundation) and member of the FECEC. The rest of the representatives of the entities that attended are Ana Fernández, director of Political and Social Advocacy and Núria Massana, director of Cabinet and Public Affairs of the Asociación Española contra el Cáncer (Spanish Cancer Association – AECC); Pilar Flores, manager of the Federación Española de Padres de Niños con Cáncer; Begoña Barragán, president of the Grupo Español de Pacientes con Cáncer (GEPAC) and Marcos Martinez, manager of the entity; and Paz Romero, representing the Federación Española de Cáncer de Mama (Spanish Breast Cancer Federation – FECMA).

The Ministry has undertaken to review the text of the Royal Decree Law for the Right to be Forgotten Oncology, approved last June 2023, for proper implementation.